Feature request: Percent of FTP instead of Watts (% of FTP)

I have been using an app for strength training recently. It tells me how much to load on the bar, how many reps and how much rest between sets. After I started using it I just trust it and (actively) forget how much I lifted last session. I just “trust the system”. And it works. And most importantly it keeps me from “ego lifting”.

Many of the latest features from TR does kind of the same. Plan Builder, TrainNow and AT just wants you to show up and they tell you what to do. Workout levels are great because they tell you that you gained 0,3 points in “threshold” today. They basically tell you that the system works.

I get that it is a number driven sport, but the training would not be any less structured if my FTP (or crank arm length for that matter) is hidden from me. And my FTP 5 months from a race is what it is, and I cannot do anything but show up and do the work.

I should add that I lost 50 watts in the last 3 months so my old sweet spot is now something I can hold for 1 min in vo2max intervals. Please don’t rub it in my face is all I’m asking :pleading_face: