Failed both weekend workouts HARD. What happened?

Good info, useful to know the background. I’d still stick to my assessment on Donner, you hit 179 on the first interval - if you check the recent rides most people are in the 150’s to low 160’s on that. Here’s my last attempt at it (note my cadence is higher :smiley: ) Log In to TrainerRoad

I’d still recommend dropping to 94% - as I said, if you’re at/over threshold in base, you’re working harder than needed AND strengthening the wrong energy systems, and it’s a mistake you can afford to make for another month or two until the workouts get actually hard, when you’ll fail the first interval every time (don’t ask how I know that :stuck_out_tongue: )

Another option to ‘prove’ your FTP is try a workout from say halfway into build and see how that goes…something like: Log In to TrainerRoad . It might only take a workout to realise if you’re on the right or wrong track!

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