Does Adaptive Training Use Heartrate Info

Think I found the reason why I was not using the Power/HR in Z2 plot @Quaestor - having coincidently checked a z2 ride this morning, I noted it was not being given a Power/HR in Z2 value and investigated further.

The Power/HR in Z2 looks at exactly that - time spent with your HR in Z2…now we all know how individual and/ or misaligned HR zones can be to Power zones and I noticed that my HR for this endurance ride was actually below my Z2 HR zone threshold…a good sign for me as it comes after base block and recovery time, but means that It was not picked up in Power/ HR in Z2 plot.

I think I experienced this before and is why I reverted to to the Power/HR and Efficiency (NP/HR) metrics as it accounted for all Power and HR values and I just filtered it by my endurance rides.

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