Creatine Side Effects is it for Everyone

There are some studies on hyperhydration with creatine and glycerol.

Combining Cr and Gly is effective in reducing thermal and cardiovascular strain during exercise in the heat without negatively impacting on RE [running economy].

The effects of creatine and glycerol hyperhydration on running economy in well trained endurance runners - PMC.

Other: Creatine and Glycerol Hyperhydration in Trained Subjects before Exercise in the Heat in: International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism Volume 17 Issue 1 (2007)

However I have not looked in to this further, but it is something I’m looking in to. I’m also currently on a maintenance dose of about 5g/day. My goal is a very long gran fondo in the summer. Do the potential benefits of hyper hydration outweigh the possibly very slight weight increase.

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