Creatine Side Effects is it for Everyone

I also created an account just to comment here. I have been googling side effects for creatine and most results say there arent any, and that creatine causing muscle cramps is a myth. Well I can tell you that its not. I have been lifting weights on and off for 15 years. Throughout this period i have used creatine several times. And the effects have been major, both positive and negative. I gained weight and strength, which i thought was great. But I also started experiencing intense stiffness in my calves, and especially the front (Tibialis anterior). I recognize so well the sensation you are describing. It is not exactly cramping, it just gets extremely stiff and pumped, to the extent where it is almost unbearable. Almost like it is burning and feels like it is about to explode. I have NEVER felt anything like this when I am not on creatine(the only thing coming close is the sensation you can get in your lower arms when climbing really hard as mentioned above). But when I start taking it, especially the ones where you have a “loading” periode where you take a lot the first week - the leg stiffnes comes almost instantly, within a couple days. Walking fast (like you have a bus to catch) for 5 minutes is all it takes to trigger it for me. It is the calves that are the worst for me, but i can also feel it in my lower back. Sometimes I have tried to go for a run, and had to stop after one mile because my lower back was so tense and stiff I just couldnt continue. When I stop taking it, these effects stop after a week or so. I had a period without weight lifting for 3-4 years before starting again. I decided to start taking creatin, since i remembered having good results a few years back. And the calf stiffness returned instantly. I had not felt this kind of stiffness for years. It is so obviously linked to the creatin for me, anyone trying to tell me different can fu*k off :smiley:
I am not saying it is like this for everyone, it clearly isnt. But I know for sure that the creatine is doing this for me and my body. Why is another question.