Confession of a zwift hater

I’m starting to use Zwift for longer zone 2 rides, as I like it for the same reasons. I do some of mine as workouts in Erg mode to avoid that problem of going harder than you should…

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That make sense… But to do that I rather pay for one subscription instead of two…

I mostly don’t care about zwift as a game… I want the changes of resistance to simulate road… And I find the erg too stiff for longer rides…

What I do with Trainerroad is to minimize it and play youtube videos, plenty of travel, bike youtubers,… that’s make my rides easier.

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You could always swap to Resistance (or Standard mode for Wahoo trainers) and use gearing for these rides. You do have to find the right gear and cadence combo, but it is similar to the basic feel from Zwift, without the terrain changes. Instead you just watch the TR workout power targets.

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Sure… But there is need to be aware of power I need to put… Zwift all is done by resistance… Which I will feel as soon as I hit a hill…

But yes… That’s an option, and viable one…

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It’s better on Rouvy, and good for endurance rides. Not so much for VO2max intervals.

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Yep - I’ve just had to insert an unscheduled rest week into the schedule, owing to getting caught up in racing. Easy to go too deep when you don’t want to!


Create an account and try it out! All training is a bit boring (inside or outside) but the saving grace IMHO to something like RGT/FulGaz/etc is getting to see/feel what its like to actually ride the course. Sim mode on a smart trainer also makes it better.


My local club has been doing group rides on Zwift the past few months. We’re all rubber banded together so Sprints are completely wack. About 60% of the riders are free riding (resistance mode), but about 40% of us are doing workouts (erg mode). Some of the workouts are via TR, others directly in Zwift.

It’s been a lot of fun. We have the group text thread going on Zwift and a cool kids server on Discourse. I’ve had the chance to chat with riders in our club whom I never see beyond the first 20 minutes of riding outside (both stronger and weaker riders).

We usually do the group rides on Sunday so they are nice diversion during my 3-5 hour endurance rides or my 2-3 hour sweet spot rides. I definitely chat a lot more during the endurance rides. :slight_smile:


Ive seen a few people on my strava feed doing virtual rides on local roads and even IM and HIM event routes…

I have no idea what are they using tho…the map shows the same as an outside ride with a virtual tag on it…

any idea what could it be?

if you pay for RGT it has a feature called Magic Roads. For example a friend uploaded a previous road race and practices racing that course on RGT.



I might give it a try!
sounds like a great tool to practice hills on the actual place you would race…specially since is mega flat where i live

Out of interest, how does that work/feel? I can’t get my head round quite how the rubber band has to work when one rider is doing 2 W/kg and another is doing efforts at 7 W/kg … it must end up feeling odd for someone … or does the ride just eventually end up getting stretched out?

The normally super fast riders complain about all the deadweight and the slow riders get excited about being pulled over the top of the climbs. But since it’s all imaginary speeds and usually faster than any of us travel outside (we’re Audax / Randonneurs / Ultras), no real complaints. Most of the “serious” riders who are most likely to really bitch are doing workouts and/or long endurance sessions and are just happy to have company.

You just can’t go in expecting a normal Zwift experience. But for hanging in “person” with friends we haven’t seen for a year, it’s a good opportunity.


Using FulGaz on ATV with a Wattbike.
I connect Wattbike ant+ signal to the Cable device
I connect the BLE from Wattbike to FulGaz.
Ride FulGaz in steady mode.

Only problem is if I forget to untick FulGaz as the controlling device. Then get competing requests from the two apps.

Exactly the same would work on Zwift or anything else that supports BLE. I think BigRingVr only supports ant+