"Cheating" my way through a threshold-ordeal

IMO The primary thing with workouts like this is to do the work. The goal is always push the line up and to the right. Being able to do more watts or the same watts longer isn’t easy.
Secondly, take these workouts as an opportunity to learn about your physiology and work on deficiencies. Generally, higher rpm (less fore on pedals) stresses your aerobic system which would favor slow twitch dominant riders. Conversely, lower rpm stresses the musculoskeletal system and fast twitchers. I think this is where you feel you are cheating by relieving your aerobic system every so often. IME this is completely normal for most riders especially when teetering above and below threshold. If anything this workout validates your threshold is very close which is also a really good thing. Zones are set correctly and training adaptation possible.

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