Breath Rate - Swimming

[quote=“Grotex, post:1, topic:7549”]
The theory was not only would this help your swim be faster, particular in 1/2IM and IM distances, but your muscles would be in a better state to start the bike. This felt to fast to me, but I adapted cause why would an internet article be wrong? Now after hearing a more scientific approach,
[/quote]Which approach? You mean the podcast?

If triathlon swimming were a solo, calm waters affair there might be some merit to the discussion. In my experience there is almost always too much chop (from wind) or disruption from other swimmers to breath bilaterally. One side is almost always much easier to get air on than the other.

It’s easy to limit how fast you go with your breath rate, but it doesn’t have to determine it - you can breath every two strokes and hold an aerobic pace.

Then there is how much your body wants to breath. Panic in the water is not a conscious thing, it’s a reaction. Your body needs to be relaxed to swim well, and confident that getting air is not a problem - a good lungful every two strokes should calm anyone feeling panicky.

Also if I recall correctly most open water racers breath every two strokes(?)

All of that said, if I do find myself in calm open water, bilateral is a good rate of breathing for me on the long distance events.

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