Bottom 10% Trainer Looking For Advice

As everyone one is suggesting your diet is key. Tests have proven that diet drink actually work the opposite way, they can actually cause you to gain because of all the chemicals. Also i may have missed it but i don’t think anyone has mentioned it yet. The time of day you eat is almost as important as what you eat. Also as everyone has said your intensity is too low its just maintaining your fitness it wont improve it. Low back pain and calf pain can certainly be linked to back issues. I know this because i have two rods and 6 screws in my back and suffered back/leg pain for years. I never really had real serious back pain its was all lower leg and hip pain. Good luck on your journey of self improvement. I started TR and by the end of the first year i weights 40 lbs less by just following SSB1-2, General Build and instead of specialty i just did Sustained Power and eating better. I am in my 50’s so it can be done