Beating a dead horse: Advantages of weight loss vs ftp gains (in TRI)

Thanks for sharing your story. The increments seem like a nice and safe way to go. I lost 20 lbs, and rewarded myself with a proper road bike (as i wasn’t going to invest in it if i didn’t stick with it)

Your path makes sense…seeing that i’m looking at losing 20-25lbs and then running 5k on the sprints and 10k on the oly, i don’t think it’ll too much of a problem, I’ve taught myself to go slow and gradual in my training my body doesn’t forgive when i go fast and furious.

I know i can just get up and run 5k or 10k and not suffer from it, even when i was 15-20lbs heavier… but i’m just trying to balance it all with the additional training.

So i guess i’ll focus more on the FTP gains and just clean up my diet a little more. Usually once i eat more whole foods, i automatically watch my calories more and quality foods tend to fill me more, so less mindless munching.

EDIT) i’ve also considered the aquabikes but …nahhhhhh i wanna do the full thing! i love to challenge myself and i feel like aquabike, while challenging (since i’m a $hitty swimmer so far) won’t be the level of challenge i’ll be looking for