Average Daily Caloric Intake?

35, 183cm, 66 - 67 kg, 10 - 11% BF

2200 - 2500 rest days
2800 - 3200 TR workout days
3000 - 3400 outdoor ride days

I ride 10 - 15 hours a week, id say 3/4 of that is TR, The last few weeks iv been closer to 10 hours on the bike with 3 weight sessions thrown in, just to mix it up.
Macros are 50% carb 30% protein 20% fats and never really cheat, closest i get is Cliff bars or a few stroopes on a ride, my other forms of on the bike nutrition are Dates, figs and bananas.

Honestly i need to tweak my eating, either change the macro split (up the carbs) or just eat more because iv been becoming really flat lately, no energy and i am getting moody, not sure how some of the 2000cal (and under) a day guys are managing, i have trouble keeping under 2500 on some rest days, hats off i guess.

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