Are my coworkers genetic freaks or is Peloton power off?

Interesting bump. I’m trying to figure out how to get the most fitness I can out of the Echelon bikes in my office gym. I did trainerroad for a few years, then stopped when I didn’t have access to a trainer setup any more. It feels really weird just picking workouts somewhat at random.

I’m going with 1x/wk “Power Ride”, 1x/wk “Hill ride”, and 1x/wk “Cadence ride”. That plus approximately 6hrs/week of commuting and mellow rides seems like a decent low volume plan, except that it’s not actually structured towards growth at all…

A friend at work that I used to run with got a peloton recently and loves it, really hoping to get him out for rides at some point.

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I have a third generation and it matches my garmin rally numbers and rpe pretty closely.

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