Anyone here got a Herniated Disc?

I have taken a seriously dim view of anyone injecting anything into my body. The problem with injections is there is no way to make sure that the ‘juice’ stays where it is injected, and that the person doing the injection won’t hit something on the way in. I had an injection for a neuroma and the person doing it hit a nerve and I had lower leg/foot pain for a couple of days. Not helpful. I passed on more shots and chose surgery, and turns out that there was no way the injections would have helped. (Go big or go home)

I have tried to keep my core strength up to support my spine, but have been dealing with issues in other areas due to the pressure on the nerves that are in the area of the injury. It seems sometimes like a race against time as to when the injury itself needs to be fixed, or the peripheral pain gets bad enough to effect my training/riding/walking/mowing/life.

Stretching and core workouts. Something everyone should be doing, but seems to be far more important to me. Yet still I am having intense episodes of pain down one leg on occasion, near debilitating pain and have to just wait it out. Some positions on the bike seem to exacerbate it at times. (I suffered a stretched ligament in my wrists by hitting a huge seam on a rail trail, and was surprised it didn’t activate my back, surprisingly, but the ligament I stretched is one of the worst to injure apparently, so discs and ligaments are important)

Good luck. It sucks, but if you manage it well, you should be able to avoid surgery. I still remember the day it happened. :anguished::disappointed: