AI Route Planner - Does it Exist?

Yes, but that’s my point. I can do it. I just don’t want to do it. The app would do it for me and do it faster. It’s a time thing, not an ability thing. Right now, I make a new route for probably 95% of my rides. Which takes time. So if I’m going on a 4 or 5 hour Saturday ride, I’m making a brand new route for it. Which usually means I go to RideWithGPS, click my apartment as the starting point, then start drawing. But as I’m drawing the route, maybe I start racking up too much elevation, so then I go back and start again. Or I try to do a big loop and the route is too long or too short. And like I said above, I try to hit unique roads. I use an app called Wandrer that keeps track of every unique road I’ve ridden. It’s a fun game to try to hit a unique unridden (by me) road on every ride I do. There’s also StatHunters, which is based on the VeloViewer tiles map. But most of the time it’s looking at Google satellite view or street view to look at new roads to make sure they’re ok to ride on, which will include avoiding big roads (4 lanes or more), avoiding certain types of intersections or “stroads” around shopping centers. Basically just trying to make my ride as easy and safe as possible. So it usually takes me 15-20 minutes to make up a route for my weekend long rides. Not super time consuming, but it would be cool to just put in a couple inputs and have an app use all the available info (my rides, my power profile, weather, traffic, my perferences) and pop out a ride. And saving 10-20 minutes of planning for every ride adds up over the year.