Age related plans for Over 50s

I’m 51 with an extensive background in long distance running and tri’s, but w/ a 10 year layoff (~2006-2016) due to chronic fatigue syndrome (now in remission). I’ve been doing TR for about 6 weeks (SSB mid volume for full distance tri), and find the workouts to be dead on in terms of intensity and duration. I haven’t had to bail on any of them, and can tell my FTP has increased (although I haven’t re-tested yet). I would say if you’re having any difficulty completing or recovering from the workouts, drop down a level (ie from mid to low), or manually lower your FTP a bit. Otherwise, I think FTP is a solid indicator of your current ability - if you score 207w (or higher on the next test), I feel like the program will automatically adjust to your abilities and challenge you just enough to keep you improving

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