Advice, support and guidance for a newbie?

Hi Welcome.

I started back serious training last year Dec 2019. FTP 200 too. I started Mid volume and saw improvements following the plan every 6 weeks FTP ramp test. It was Mid May 2020 i had got my FTP up to 250 watts. I am 56 years old so my improvements may be a little slower. I have maintained that through the summer, a bit less TR workouts and more outdoor rides, my TSS has dropped a bit. For 8 weeks leading up to my summer improvements built up from 400 (Dec 2019) and was 600 for 8 weeks.

I have just taken 4 weeks completely off and 2 easy weeks easy back into it. Started 2 weeks ago and FTP was 233 watts. I am taking the Mid Vol plan again, and adding in a second evening ride once a week to start with to give me Z2 workout. I am hoping to eventually do at least 2/3 additional rides on top. I am audax rider, (Ex Triathelete / time trialist).

The main thing is your weight and height seem about right.

Listen to your body take it relatively speaking easy to begin with. You will benefit from the structured training and should see slow gains to start with. 3 to 7 watts is what i saw, the gains got bigger latter.

FTP is only one measure and do not get to hung up on this too much. The main reason we want a higher FTP is that matches higher speed. It has with me. It has also allowed me to calculate my Intensity Factor for my long distance events so i do not go to hard to early.