8 Months of indoor Cycling and still cannot shake knee pains. Desperate for help!

Thanks Nate for sharing your story and empathy. I hear you!!

I’ll look into some releasing of my lateral shin.

Amazing (in a happy, not surprising way) that the bike fit helped so much. I jumped on the bike the other day and I forgot to move the seat back after my wife had ridden…. Behold - no knee pain!! About 45 minutes into the ride though, my left knee started to hurt, sort of badly. I dropped it back to somewhere in between and finished the ride fairly happily. Then in subsequent rides, I tried messing around with the fore/aft position again, moving it forward when the right one hurt, back when the left one hurt. No dice really. Sometimes I feel like changing my fit just temporarily moves the focal point of the pain laser to a different area.

Could you PM me the bike fitters contact details that you’re going to see? And/or report back on your experience there. I’ve got to the point where I’d take a significant trip to see the right person that might be able to help.

About 5 years ago, I had thoracic back pain so bad that it was something was poking into a nerve on my spine all day every day. Just a constant noise of pain. For years I went through different physics, practitioners, self help treatments etc. trying to find a solution. Eventually, with one simple movement, I rectified it within a couple of weeks. One thing I have noticed with my body, is that when something starts working, I notice it right away… so that’s a good thing.

I have very wide and high arched feet and am considering getting some expensive custom shoes in hoping that may resolve things but will wait until summer while I try other methods before going that route.