2023 Specialized Allez

So this bike is 10.3 as above. Using 10% grade for a steep climb and the rest at default (150 watts, 70kg rider…) 10.3kg bike is 6.16km/hr and a 5kg bike is 6.58km/hr. At 3% grade, 16.01km/hr vs 16.75km/hr So much slower… And that is for a 5.4kg difference in weight and I’m sure disc brakes aren’t half the bike weight. I mean this makes it seem like its under 100g from rim to disc for 105:

At 0.5kg weight decrease going to rim from 10.3 kg (so more realistic) at 10% grade the speed is 6.20km/hr (0.04km/hr faster) and at 3% the speed is 16.08km/hr (0.07km/hr faster)

about how weight so so important? As you can see from the math above, is 0.05km/hr speed loss while climbing sucking the fun out of biking? Actual knowledge of the real impact of the weight difference is useful if you’re going to claim weight is so very important.

This isn’t even bothering to factor in the advantages @Benjamin_Reynolds makes