2021: what worked for you, what didn’t


  1. Following plans/structured workouts for first time in my life - did it so I could complete goal of Leadville sub 9 (goal reached!!). First year racing anything and had a blast!

  2. Went from 185 to 165 pounds over course of year to get ready for Leadville through fasted training and better eating.

  3. Improved my MTB skills tremendously by watching videos and riding with better riders. Put some effort into working on specific skills. Improved confidence on all trails.

  4. Working with PT on knee/hamstring/shoulder issues. Body much better balanced.

  5. Cross training with some running (hate it, but felt balanced) and backcountry skiing, kept me hungry to bike.

Not Worked

  1. FTP increased less than I wanted… 220 to 260 from March to Now, unrealistic expectation of more left me bummed out at times. Needed to stay focused on process and not results. Too much focus on FTP while I think I developed good endurance which helped me at Leadville.

  2. A few poorly timed fasted rides left me unable to recover effectively and definitely affected my training.

  3. A few unscheduled junk rides also left me recovering for too long and messed up my training.

  4. Gave up on eating discipline and training for a 2 months following Leadville and gained 10 pounds fast!

Now into Next year:

  1. Start year a better weight (170) and conditioning so that not losing weight while ramping training

  2. Scheduled more races through year to keep focused on goals throughout year. Got Old Man Winter on schedule for Feb… gives me something to work towards.

  3. Weights, and core workouts - keep on top of PT as issues develop

  4. Working with a coach

  5. Have sub 8 Leadville goal in the next couple years. Something hard enough for me to really get me fired up to train.

  6. Less junk miles. I’m torn on social rides… new to my area so it’s nice to meet people and social ride but it doesn’t do anything for my training…