2021: what worked for you, what didn’t

How to know what worked compared to yourself is an echo chamber. We must be super careful saying definitively “this worked or this didn’t”. For example maybe we did things so absolutely bassackwards no matter the change from that low resulted in positive gains. I’ve made every mistake in the book twice so, for me, it’s another year of data reaffirming trends that go in the right direction and those that don’t.

What I think helps:

-Some sort of offseason.
-Strength (legs/core) pre-base and into base.
-Constant pressure on the pedals during long rides.
-More long rides.
-Timing the progressive overload.
-Getting leaner. Not necessarily lighter.

What I know doesn’t work:

-Riding when tired from lack of sleep and chasing CTL…I work a bit on the backside of the clock and really messed up circadian rhythm flip flopping.
-Not taking into consideration that ^^^ is stress.
-Not respecting the heat (Phoenix summers). I sometimes train when it’s just too hot due to work schedule.
-Trying to keep peak fitness through the summer with group rides and far too much volume.
-In general too much HIIT but, the HIIT is more group ride/races and not actual interval training.
-Eating too much during base. Restricting cals during intensity.
-Self coaching.

edit: Most importantly what doesn’t work for me is doing FTP testing super fresh. While it yields a good number it makes training zones unrealistic. Related, the Kolie protocol seems to find a more realistic number for me…

edit 2: Training with power is good but, adding HR to it for certain things brings power in focus a little better.