2019 Race/Event Results Thread

well I just did the hardest ride of my life. I rode in the Gravel Worlds and it was a mixed bag. First half of the race was solid and pretty close to putting my within my goal, but the 2nd half was rough and my legs just weren’t producing power. I’m going to assume it’s nutrition related, even though I was regularly consuming carbs, but the relentless little climbs might have done a number on me as well. All in all I’m glad I did it, would love to be better. oh, and it was just 425 tss and 5500kj of work, overall IF was 0.65, short of my 0.75 goal (although the first 4 hours I did have 0.75). DId it in just over 10hrs, took advantage of some rest stops, one for myself and one to get a riding companion some more water, so my moving time was 9hrs48min

Unlike road races, I got a finishing patch and a neat t-shirt for my trouble!