Wish me luck for my first race

Yeah, it’s point to point. Hopefully I will just quickly find a group I’m well matched to and can stick with them.

The race is cat 2/3/4 so I don’t expect it to stay together for very long to be honest. If I can finish with the rest of the 4s then I’ll be happy.

It’s a good point about food. I’ve started writing a plan for the day, which includes reminding myself to open my energy bar wrappers before the start. I’ll also aim to dedicate certain pockets to certain things to keep it simple out on the road. In cyclocross I normally pin the top of my number just below the top of my pockets so hopefully that won’t restrict access.

I need to see if I can set up alerts on my wahoo bolt that remind me to eat (its easy to forget) and I might even print out a little course preview sheet for my stem/top tube. But if I’m hanging on for dear life then that won’t be much use anyway :sweat_smile: