Why are some outdoor workouts different than their indoor counterpart? [Resolved ✅]

Well… all of the above, I suppose, :slight_smile: but… perhaps in order of precedence:

  1. How they APPEAR on my head unit. TP gives me a visual power / workout graph and a description in all presentations (planning, iPhone app, and head unit). This is great when quickly reviewing and planing. I love the little graphs so I can quickly see what a workout is all about (it’s basically the graph thumbnail + TSS, and I know what I’m planning). Bottom line the indoor profiles appear much more complete than outdoor profiles.
  2. More of the analytics – but not too much. Honestly TP is way too complicated, and I don’t need that. But I have noticed that I get just a bit more information (often pushed through Strava, where I consume it). In vague order of desirability, the things I use are probably –
    a. Fitness ramp graphs/data. Fatigue/Fitness/Form, and the last 7 day averages over time. Handy to see a quick snapshot of how I’m doing.
    b. Power Zones and Peak Power showing up in Strava. I’ve just started with TR, and I’m not sure if the same depth of data is showing up. My first rides have been short and simple – so, still learning here.

That’s probably about it!