What Midwest Area Events you are excited in 2022?

Me too :slight_smile: I think we’re a bit off topic here, but anyone who races in the Midwest would probably find some of this info useful, so I’ll stick with it…

What gloves do you use when the temp is below 40F but above freezing?

If I’m out below 32F, I use lobster gloves. But they’re far too warm for anything above that… especially if it’s sunny.

I’ve got a good system for the 40s…

In the mid/upper 40s I’ll wear the Giro Xnetic gloves (black, not the neon pictured below) - they are shockingly effective for being so slim, and if it’s going to be below ~45F, I’ll wear a Rab merino liner glove inside them (links below). But if it gets below 40F I have a gap that I’ve never been able to get quite right.