Wahoo Kickr Steer & Race Mode

Sure, this isn’t about “simulation”, it’s about “game play”. Different implementations for different goals. These devices are aimed at working with the static nature of the most common setups that people have. I will try to test their RGT app with my E-Flex setup to see how it compares to the testing I did with the original phone bases steering I used in Zwift. I’m guessing it will “work” but suffer from the same response lag, but simple enough to test.

I need to get around to shooting some video, but I made what is an attempt at a proper “lean to steer” setup. I hacked my Elite Sterzo Smart with some Legos and attached it to my E-Flex. It uses the normal lean action of the motion platform connected to the Sterzo guts. I lean for lane changes in normal riding.
I can also select directions at intersections with more lean towards the limits of travel. It all works well and blends into general interactivity. It’s fun to work on drafting riders as well as steering through corners via wide entry to apex and wide exit.