UNBOUND GRAVEL predictions

Tossing the BS flag on this story…or at least the miles he supposedly ran. No untrained athlete is just gonna knock out 18 miles in 2 hours in gravel up those hills in socks.

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In that terrain, it doesn’t sound right. For what it is worth, his direct quote says 2.5 hours, but even that seems relatively astonishing.

Fair enough…I was getting 2 hours from the CT story.

Even 2.5 hours is a 8’ / mile pace. In gravel. In socks. Carrying / pushing a bike. With no training. In high heat. As you note, it would be astonishing.

Reijen deserves plenty of credit for demonstrating that kind of grit, no matter how far he actually ran. Good for him for not tossing in the towel immediately…but CT needs to do better at sussing out the claims.

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Raise that in the comments on the story

I’m not a VeloClub member, so can’t comment on the articles.

I have no idea if the distance was right. But I passed him running and can verify 1) he was running in socks and 2) he was running surprisingly fast in socks and carrying a bike.

I almost stopped and said “just pack it in, the checkpoint isn’t for 30+miles


His race recap (delivered horizontally just after the finish) is fantastic–if you haven’t watched it, you should check it out on Instagram.


Oh yeah…I don’t doubt he ran a fair distance and even at a decent clip. Just not the distance in the time claimed. Running 18 miles is really hard.


I don’t think this has been mentioned here yet: really remarkable comeback from Ian Boswell after his career-ending crash & TBI two years ago.


I see someone did now.

I don’t see why he would lie, but it does seem crazy. We passed him what must have been fairly early in his run and the terrain around there would be difficult to make good time on with running shoes and no bike to carry!


On Twitter he said that it took over 3 hours


I don’t think he lied per se….just didn’t know how far he actually ran is my guess.


Sometimes if the wheel is intact enough to roll and not bind in the bike, you can kind of scooter it along and try to put all your weight on the front/back (undamaged) wheel… especially on the downhills. Maybe some of that happening? Otherwise unlikely to run 10min miles with a bike for 3hrs.

That’s a pretty incredible effort. I need a pair of whatever those socks are!


This is just hilarious. Also, not a good showing for World Tour team Trek-Segafredo.

“probably should have done more sweet spot” :stuck_out_tongue: