TrainerRoad gamification - can they go there and is there any interest?

Yes every platform has limited resources so if the aim is to increase resources then growing subs is the way to go there and gimmicks, offers etc all have proven methods we’ve seen work well. Gamification for want of a better word is a definite gimmick and looking to role play elements we know those don’t just work, they work too well (hence the EU looking to regulate it). Either way, game elements are addictive.

Personally I’d like to see TR nail AI first, ie. plans that monitor your performance and are constantly changing load to suit the individual - the direction Xert has gone. But ultimately, I’d want that and more interesting ways of performing workload. For me the end game is far from binary.

Perhaps this is all just a footnote in Zwift’s domination some years down the line. Who knows.