Those who "ghosted" cycling

Yeah i suddenly gave up cycling: M50, been cycling for about 5 years, 4.3 w/kg, a bit of local racing, I was fast enough to find it fun. Rode about 6 or 7 hours per week. I was fully into the culture and followed the races: i knew who was who in the Spring Classics and when the Giro was… that sort of thing.

I suddenly had to give up cycling due to getting pudendal neuralgia and not being able to sit on a bike, or sit down full stop actually, and I stayed off it for 6 months. During this time cycling just evaporated from my life. All summer i didn’t watch a single minute of racing or pay any attention to that sport. Cycling didn’t exist. I still ran about 30 -40 miles per week so stayed fairly fit but it’s less 3 dimensional as a sport. There was something missing.

Then as the 6 months time approached i thought about having a go on the trainer again. I one day gave it a go and could wheeze out 230W. The 2nd time i enjoyed it, the 3rd time i enjoyed the feeling of steady (small) watts again and now i’m fully back into it, i’m back to 4.1w/kg and I love it again… Ironically i’ve now stopped running entirely because of a sore IT Band so i’m going to take up swimming again as “just cycling” doesn’t seem enough…