Thinking of Switching from Peloton

I did the general build Mid Volume. I took the ramp test at the beginning to set the FTP to 320. The workouts were hard, but I completed everything including the 2 hour runs averaging 240 ish. Given I was completing the intervals and the longer workouts, I felt the FTP was pretty accurate. The rested for a week and took the next ramp test and got 250. I did not believe that it was accurate so I kept it at 320 for the next 8 weeks, but my ability to complete the workouts was declining… after the first few intervals, I could no longer sustain threshold for the duration. Definitely it was not doing nothing for 16 weeks… but my legs just felt burnt up, and I sense some loss of muscle mass; perhaps the 2 hour sweet spot runs were burning into muscle tissue. Not sure, but switching back to the Pelleton does seem to be helping me to rebuild some of that strength. I am setting my zones with an FTP at about 270 now and not really having any difficulty. Also, I’ll note that my average heart rate was indicative of the lower power… I just felt that my legs were cooked… but aerobic capacity to spare.