The 24 Hours in The Old Pueblo Thread

I watched the analysis this past weekend and have some mixed feelings on this one. I totally understand the part about mid-event re-evaluating goals and deciding to fight another day. I’ve certainly been in situations that I thought I was ready for and due to circumstances did not accomplish my original goal. The 6 hours of Warrior Creek a few years ago, I started cramping and bowed out about 3 hours in despite being gung-ho to do it solo. There is no way to judge someone else’s state or decisions in a situation like this and I definitely won’t.

However, I’m not sure if this makes the podcast more relatable or if it is part of my consternation with this is that many of the “mistakes” or things discussed have been things that the podcast has advised against in the past. Such as pacing oneself, equipment prep, etc. It makes me think that in some cases, they weren’t following their own advice. In a way, that’s relatable as we all do that and we all often make the same mistakes over again. However, in another way it’s depressing because despite knowledge, experience, and preparation, we may all be doomed to make these mistakes over and over. I guess this proves that this is hard and no matter how simple we try to explain it the thousands of variables and decisions required under strenuous conditions makes this more complex than we can completely prepare for.