Outside workouts - different FTP

I can help!

No, it is no longer our recommendation to update your FTP between indoor and outdoor workouts.
We are working on a solution for this in an upcoming product release, but in the meantime, I think we can help you out with this!

Considering you’re using the same power meter for indoor and outdoor workouts, and without a smart trainer, in your case we should be looking instead at ways to help you express your FTP for indoor workouts the way you feel you can outside.

Primary areas to focus on to improve the outcome of your indoor training is to focus on cooling, hydration and nutrition, and entertainment. Overheating on indoor workouts is not uncommon, so fans and air circulation along with proper hydration and fueling will help these workouts feel more achievable. That goes for entertainment too, where not having the stimulus of outside rides can lead you to focus more on how much those efforts hurt when you’re indoors. A good balance of leaning into/focusing on the effort with a little distraction of music, a podcast, or TV helps tremendously.

Secondary to those things though is a cadence and trainer resistance check.
I did notice that when you’re outside, you tend to hover around 80-85rpm, and inside, you’re consistently doing 95-105 for your intervals.
You may want to try to align your cadence inside with what feels natural to you outside, otherwise it can for sure feel taxing in a different way. Building up to and trying to work on your overall cadence trends is great, but acknowledging that pattern may help you understand why indoor stuff can feel ‘tougher’.

Let me know if you have questions on that or once you get a chance to try out some of these tips. :+1: