New to power-based training: 3 months in, FTP dropping/fluctuating

Sepp, just one point…

I was glad to see you write this because it makes this next point much easier to convey…I’m not sure you followed your own advice here! Typically, TR will give you a week of easy stuff before a ramp test. For instance, if I look at general build mid volume week 4 (just before a ramp test) I see pettit, pettit, whorl, mokelumne +1, boarstone…that means intensity factors 0.63, 0.63, 0.63, 0.65, 0.7. Not tame stuff but definitely not stressful.

If I look at your week previous to the 12feb ramp test I see almost 500 tss. If I look at your week previous to the 11jan ramp test I see only 371 tss & the two days immediately previous to the test you took rest. Three days previous to your 12feb ramp test you did a big 218 TSS 0.84 IF effort…the day before you did an 87tss 0.74if effort (which I think was a race).

So this is maybe a simple case of carrying a little fatigue into the ramp test, what do you think?

What about this? Don’t do Palisade tomorrow. Do Pettit instead. Push the 15feb ramp test out a day and just write off Juneau -1…do the ramp test that day instead. Then you will come into the ramp test with about the same training load you had back in January. Try to use like-for-like power sources…

I think you’ll get a better read on your improvement this way.