πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Introducing AI FTP Detection πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

ohhh, thank you so much, I was wondering why my threshold adaptation was going in the right direction yesterday! :nerd_face:

Then I’m curious what my AI FTP Detection says on June 14th (Ramp Test on Plan Builder), since I also have a lot of outdoor workouts at the moment, good to know that I’m a edge case :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

@IvyAudrain you’re the best, thx! :kissing_heart:

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Happy to help! Keep up the good work, you’re crushing it. :metal:


I’ve been on vacation and not working out with TR for quite some time (4 weeks or so), and my next scheduled workout is the Ramp Test on Tuesday and I don’t see the button to calculate FTP anymore. Has something changed? Can I only do it on the day the test is actually scheduled now?

It is locked out until about 24 or 48 hours before the test is scheduled.

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I have Ramp test scheduled for tomorrow and also don’t see an option to calculate my FTP using AI.


you got read this?

Yes, of course. It worked for me a month ago but not anymore

Ok, managed to fix the problem. Desktop app offered FTP detection, while it wasn’t possible on the android app

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How did I only learn about this, this week??? Have been using trainer road for 6 months and seeing steady progress particularly in my outdoor rides but I was starting to dread the ramp test. Had seen my numbers go backwards on the test but holding steady on outdoor coins rides etc. can’t wait to see what my first AI FTP Detection will give me. Next Monday!!


i am using Andriod and it works for me.

I am signed for a beta app, may be that’s the reason. Anyway it’s all ok now.

Bizarre, I first got it on my Android but at least you have it working :+1:

Very strange, this worked for me as well. I didn’t see anything in the iOS app, but it was there in the desktop app.

I also have a Ramp test scheduled for tomorrow but I can’t see the FTP prediction option on the iOS App.

I’m pretty sure it was there during the weekend.

Came here to see if anybody else had FTP detection missing in the app, so I am not the only one. It is past midnight for me an I have a test scheduled, but no button to detect my FTP. Hopefully it will work during the day. I will try the desktop app if it does not.

Mine is missing too. It was scheduled for today, the button didn’t appear so I moved the workout to tomorrow. Will see what tomorrow brings!!

I know that TR added the AIFTPD option on the Calendar, but are you also checking the Career page to see if it is there still/instead (since that is the only place it was found originally)?

Hi Chad. Thanks. The button does not appear on either menu for me.

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Just added a ramp test to my calendar in IOS app. AI detection is showing in the workout on the calendar page, also showing in the career page.

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Sorry for the trouble all. We’re aware of the inconsistencies between apps and desktop, career and calendar for AI FTP Detection use visibility, and we’re actively working on the fix!