Iceman Info for Jonathan and Chad

Accept the transfer. The best thing about Iceman is you can make it anything you want. Want to race and give it 100%? Do it. As a first timer you will probably be in a later wave. Make it a game and see how many people you can pass. Want to ride? Settle in with a group that will do that. Or make it anything in the middle. Great article on the Iceman site this week about the positives and negatives of riding drop bars. This will be my 5th or 6th. Just a great day in the woods with 10,000+ friends and family.

Come on @Nate_Pearson, @chad, and Jonathan. It’s just a 30 mile sprint you’ve got it in ya. As someone mentioned above it really is an easy big race to travel into. And to cap it off it’s the 30th anniversary.

Now I’m getting ready to head out and do an out and back of the course.

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