Hammerhead Karoo 2

I wrote to TR support to get an answer if they have a problem manually duplicating a workout in TP to download to the Karoo. This is what I wrote:
“I currently use the Karoo2 as my head unit and it only supports workout downloads from TrainingPeaks. When I want to do a TrainerRoad outdoor workout is there any issue with recreating the workout manually in TP so that I can download it to the Karoo? I won’t distribute it to anyone else. I just need a workaround until Hammerhead gets TR workouts working directly with the Karoo2.”

Support replied:
That is not an issue at all - we are sorry that currently we are not supporting the Karoo2 for Outside Workouts and I’ll bring it up to the team and see if we can make it available faster.

So, if you are doing this for your own personal use they are ok with it. Just don’t sell, give away, post on the internet, or whatever the workout.