Can train only 30-45 min a day most of the week. Best way to build plan?

I’d suggest you start with the low volume sweet spot base 1 then 2 and go from there. 3 days a week on the bike with TR, 3 days for your gym work and 1 day a week as a Zwift Race. Hopefully that would give you some time build fitness and get rest while still having time for being a dad. And when things come up you would have a little cushion to move a workout to the weekend.

I do strength workouts up to 3 times a week and I’m finishing up the low volume Rolling Hills plan. I’ve been successful in doubling up gym/TR workouts and doing back-to-back TR workouts as well. I’ve been doing it for a while so the workload hasn’t bogged me down but I’m also flexible enough to move or even miss a workout if I have too without getting upset about it if work or family commitments take priority.

How does that sound?

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