Buying a new direct drive trainer

You mention connectivity, and that reminds me. I have had some intermittent issues with the Neo 2 and TR via Windows and ANT+. Just a few dropouts in some sessions. No issues at all with TR mobile and BLE. In the same setup (Win & ANT+) I have even fewer issues with the K17 & H2. Not sure there is anything substantial there. It could be as simple as a difference in antenna location along with the “noise” in my room.

For the flywheel, it’s hard to pin down. Initially, it seemed I felt it was “easier” to pedal in my 34x17 gearing than 50X17 (I often swap the front chainring for standing and seated efforts in the “taller” gear). So it was “kinda backwards” to my gut feel on the trainers with real flywheels.

With the real ones, I can feel the pedal demand around more of the circle and makes me feel like the lower inertia and dirt or gravel surfaces I ride frequently. That aligns with experiences of some, but not all other users.

With the Neo, I still perform the same gearing (low mostly, with high mixed in). As I have used it more, that “backwards” feeling has largely disappeared and I can’t point to it as obviously right now. Not sure if that is me just “getting used” to the Neo or something else. I have just swapped back to the K17 for some work and notice the general difference in winding up a “real” flywheel, mostly from slow speeds or stops. Once I’m rolling, the differences are largely unnoticed now.

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