AT workouts are too easy and I don't know what to do


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I’m thinking you just have an automated response to AI FTP DETECTION queries that people’s ftp increased 6%. :crazy_face:


This is the first I hear that AT adapts the slope!!!

THis is good news if true.
My experience has been that AT has

  • a slow slope up (very frustrating in early season)
  • a very steep slope down ( ohhh. you’re FTP is 3W better , let’s nerf all your PL back to 1.0)

You’ll regret it so much that you’ll put a limit of how often someone can DM you for this
to let’s say every 14days… :sweat_smile:

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Ah, I guess I haven’t experienced that steep slope down either. My FTP went up 10w and it only dropped me 2-3 PLs for SS and threshold, which was scary!

I just assumed it made the adjustments based on what it took from your previous growth or adaptations.