Anyone have a Vasa? Feedback from users

Thanks a lot for the link and feedback. I agree–with three young kids at home, my training schedule is rather tight (mostly early mornings) and doesn’t really work with local pool lap swim times at the moment. I could see this changing in a few years when my kids are older and I have more flexibility in my training schedule (hopefully), but I think the Vasa could be a great option for home training in early morning (or after kids are in bed) on a regular basis. I’m currently a BOP swimmer (mostly due to fact that I’m having trouble consistently getting to the pool)–hope the Vasa could help build my swim strength/endurance so that I could at least move to MOP. (I totally understand the best way to improve is actually swimming, but hope I could see some gains from consistently using the Vasa over a period of time).

I’m with you—the cost is super high, which is why I’m looking for a used one (still fairly costly though and shipping will be super pricey if not within driving distance).

I’ll plan to follow back up on this thread to report on my progress if I secure a used Vasa and start using it consistently.