Anyone else switching off from Strava..?

I’ll stay with it. I’ve been a premium user for along time, I don’t give a flip about KOMs but I like PRs and it makes it very easy to see those. With the new “Summit” format, I might reduce what all I’m subscribed to, but not right away.

Segments and PRs are available in the free tier. As I said above, Strava has to be very careful, they can’t pull the rug out from underneath the free users because our data is too valuable.

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Strava was good until they tried to turn into Facebook and got rid of chronological ordering of rides. Now they use an algorithm and I hate everything that does that. Instagram went the same way. Now it tries to guess what you think will be interesting and gets it wrong often. I miss friends big outdoor rides and then see their Zwift sessions instead. Just give it to me straight, and allow me to filter workouts – Then I guess they couldn’t “sell” their integrations if they did that.


IMO Strava is one of the biggest reasons for all the crappy middle of the road training that goes on. Ego stops most people doing the easy aerobic training as they don’t want to be seen going slow, so all training just becomes quite hard, but never hard enough to get much adaptation.


Yup, happened to me for awhile.

It is hard to say if I’m becoming disengaged from Strava due to the time of year, I spend less time riding with others in the winter and as a result am less Strava focused.

That said - I haven’t used it for much in the past few summers either. It is primarily a social tool for me - I enjoy seeing the big rides my friends are doing and will still do the occasional KOM focused effort.

The features I still really like are flyby and the heatmaps. Flyby in particular is fantastic for race analysis beyond an individual performance set. This is the one thing I use on strava that I cannot get anywhere else

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Just dumped Summit as the data in TR, IMO, is far better than Strava. Just can’t justify paying for something twice.

They’re in the order that they are uploaded afaik.

Not that simple, based on the wording here.

  • The Strava feed presents activities, posts, challenge joins, and challenge completions in an order based on what we think is most interesting to you

Whatever that means???

  • The Strava feed presents activities, posts, challenge joins, and challenge completions in an order based on what we think is most interesting to you

…and that’s the moment I refused to pay them any more. This is done to insert advertising in social media and to fueled by the constant refreshing dopamine hit the user gets. That was the change that killed Strava.

I’ve said this another thread, if you want to enact these kinds of changes on the free-tier go right ahead, but to force it upon paying customers, in the name of advertising, is an insult, no way would I continue to pay them.


I think the ship has pretty much sailed regarding chronological vs curated news feeds. People say they want chronological, but if you actually got that, with the number of people most users follow, and the number of daily commutes and extra yoga sessions those people upload, you’d soon want to go back to the nice algorithm.

Yes, you miss things sometimes, but if there’s an athlete I really want to see about, I go to their profile. And in general, Strava seems to do a pretty good job of showing me rides from people I ride with or take an interest in.

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Not that I made any claim in the thread. I just clarified their “method”.
I hate the new feed style because I am a pragmatic and logic based human.

Pure sequential makes more than perfect sense to me. I already abandoned scrolling the feed on a regular basis, largely influenced by the worthless-to-me feed order. It’s terrible, IMHO.


Yes, it was meant as a general response to the complaint made by various people really.

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Copy that :smiley:

I guess I’m just an anomaly… my feed is mostly in chronological order. Not exact mind you, but close enough… It’s not quite as drastic as Facebook’s which will absolutely stop showing posts from your friends if you don’t like their posts, I still see people’s activities if I don’t give them kudos. I only follow a couple of people I don’t know personally and I usually met them racing or know them virtually. If they don’t follow me, I’m not going to bother them with a kudos.

Also, I am one of those who give kudos for most activities as it is worth noting that they are out there doing something and not on the couch doing nothing. People have to start somewhere and I like to give people props for establishing a good habit.

Most of this isn’t necessarily in response to you, but in general.


Or - as often requested - get the options to tag and hide things like commute, virtual/trainer rides etc. and with these options configure my own feed :man_shrugging:

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I just dropped out of subscribing for Strava Summit. I’m hiding all my rides because well nobody has to give me anything. I’m thankful for Strava being a big part of my weight loss but I really don’t care about it’s tools anymore. Getting kudos isn’t important however I do check out my feed because it motivates me seeing other people workout. It’s not necessary though.

Oh and I like the bike-tracking-thingy so I now when it’s time to replace the chain, which I do every 2000kms. :smiley:


the thing that upsets me most is that there is always someone slower than me. I have had to stop to recover from asthma attacks on climbs and I was still nowhere near DFL on those segments.

I went on a gravel ride the other day, and since I haven’t done much gravel, I was descending slowly. I still set a PR on one of the downhills. I must have stopped for the view the other times I have ridden that downhill and posted it on strava.

Right now I have my garmin set up to upload to strava automatically. That’s nice, and I like to see what people I know are riding. Still not a fan of posting all the TR rides, especially since I’m not following a training plan right now while I recover from knee problems.

A year later, still the same.

I am planning on dumping Strava. I already dumped Summit. I just don’t see the value. I use it mainly as a training diary and that hasn’t changed in years. It also bothers me that they won’t use standard metrics like normalized power but had to make up their own terms. I’d rather have everyone speaking the same language. I also don’t care about the social stuff. Most of my rides are alone or in a small group. I don’t need the social stuff. I also find it weird when people I don’t even know give my kudos for some random, nothing special, ride.