Who’s in the sick house?

Good grief, it’s been 10 days? Just feeling capable of riding 45 minute 30/30’s. Are these things getting stronger, or am I getting weaker. Yikes…

How many people (reading this) use something to increase the humidity in your pain cave. I kept getting the feeling that my throat was drying out so much that the coughing was hard to stop. Just felt so dry. Nothing has changed, except me. Did a 45 minute ride yesterday, and it went well. I actually quit early out of not wanting to potentially over do it, but was still dry…

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I’m stuck at home with covid right now, and the dry air was making my sinuses sting and my throat tickle. Putting a n95 mask on humidified the air I was breathing and made me a lot more comfortable.

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I find masks tend to increase snot mobility, which is usually good, except for the tsunamis that happen sometimes. I do try not to use Afrin much as I addicted myself to it the first season I had to use it. Yeah, your body can produce copious amounts of snot just because you have tried too hard to control it. Yeah, it sucked extra hard to get off of it too. I’m off everything, so far, but still wake up with a clogged nose. (When will this be over???) Also quite a bit of the over the counter cold/flu medicine can raise your heart rate, and blood pressure too. Be careful people…

It’s been a rough year so far. I went to a work conference in Sand Diego in January and picked up a head / chest cold which lasted a month. I went on vacation and i got symptoms which turned out to be a Stapph? infection in my lower right leg. The antibiotics for my leg cleared up the infection and as a side bonus cleared up my chest.
I got home from vacation for 4 weeks and had a blood clot appear in my lower left leg, I’ve previously had one in my right leg about 4 years ago. Limping around has now aggravated an old back injury.

FFS, just take me out to the wood shed and get it over with.

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Hey fellow sick or recovering sick people :slight_smile:

Question for you all, I was sick for two weeks with something like COVID (not sure if that was it, but a long lived virus that just would not go away). I’m all better now, took it quite easy and yesterday was my first day I felt 100%. Problem is, I’m 5 days out from my A race, a three hour climbing road race with tough competition, and I have no fitness. I did some chill hard start to SS yesterday, and that felt OK, but yeah.

Would you all recommend just hitting up some sort of specialty plan last-week-before kind of workouts? Taking it easy this week to be safe? Not racing since the chances of me getting dropped at this fitness are near 100%?

As someone with an auto-immune disorder who suffers weeks-long recovery periods after too many cold viruses in a row, I would either a) go out knowing you’re going to get dropped and just look at this as a time-trial effort (or maybe farming for points towards an upgrade), or b) just don’t bother. I’ve raced several times while in a post-viral flare-up and my number one lesson from those have been “don’t bother racing”. Not only was it a huge kick to my ego, but spending all of that energy takes a toll on your body when you’re still in a recovery period. My $0.02USD.

EDIT: I know you said it’s an A-race (note: in April? Yowzers) and it might be a really big pill to swallow not being able to go out and hit it hard, but I’m not sure if any amount of grit is going to overcome inflammation and weakness.

EDIT 2: If you really do feel “100%” and you don’t think not-going is even an option you could accept, then maybe spend this week doing nothing but easy Zone 2. Not one watt more.

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I would treat it like a taper week, if you’re genuinely healthy then you have fitness - you just need to wake up a bit. I’d do short sessions 30-45mins sprint or vo2, low PL. longer low endurance or recovery sessions 60-90mins.

Disclaimer - I know nothing about you :slight_smile:

Eat well, rest well. Above all else. You may do very well on the day if you stay within yourself.


Yep, this was my gut, some light wakeup sessions and pray lol… I have already mentally unchecked this as an A race, I’ll find something else. Thanks for the gut check!

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Disturbed sleep all week, something just not right, tummy not feeling good.

Of course, my first and only race this year is tomorrow…


That’s not good. If your training has been going well then you might just be alright at the race. Caffeine and aleve can do a lot for you :grinning:

I’m also battling something now, happened right after a big block of training in the middle of this rest week. Nothing specific, just low energy and my bones hurt like when you have a cold or flu. No clue what it is, but I’m ready for it to be over… I woke up feeling much better, but within a few hours I was back to feeling ragged.

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Exactly the same for me at the moment. 2nd time this year both times after a threshold block. In the last 3 years every time I do a threshold block something bad happens I call it curse of the threshold block.
Maybe I should stop doing them.

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Been off the bike and out of the gym for a month already with a bad cold/flu and chest infection which I just can’t shake. I’m expecting at least another week off. My wife and I are also expecting our first child in around 6 weeks which I’m super excited for but can’t help but think my fitness is going to need a “damage limitation” approach at this rate. Worked hard last year and got to 4.3 watts/kg which felt like a huge achievement, but now I’d be grateful to just ride around at 150 watts for 30 minutes!


I had my first child in April… the illnesses will keep coming, especially once they go to nursery. Super-spreaders, the lot of them. I also went from around 4.3w/kg and now floundering around at 3.5 or so. My only tip is try not to stress about it. Reset your goals, don’t try to fit too much in, and practice those negotiation skills.


Just shaking the last of the flu. Killed Xmas and New Year for family stuff and api ftp reset my ftp today. My ftp is still higher than this time last year and that’s without any build blocks so I’m not too worried but I’m thinking an easy week of z2 for the next week.

As for those new parents or soon to be new parents , congratulations and welcome to the world of parenthood. :+1:

My daughter is expecting her first and our first grandchild in March.


Flu just kicked my ass for 4 days. Still got some residual coughing/stuffiness but I think I’ll be able to get on the trainer again soon for some light Z2 stuff.

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