Who has taken the plunge? (Dropped TrainingPeaks, etc.)

After a ride I open my phone and use TR for the basics:

  • avg power
  • TSS
  • IF
  • visually review compliance to power zone target
  • look at specific times in power-duration curve and where I did those on a map

For a web-based tool intervals.icu is very smooth scrolling and interactive, however I only get 2 of the 5 things above. And I keep getting inconsistencies on TSS between intervals.icu on the one hand, and TrainerRoad/WKO5 on the other. And yes my FTP is the same on all 3 platforms. To his credit, intervals.icu founder David Tinker is responsive and has fixed other things based on my feedback.

To name a few, searching for specific workouts and a lot of “comparison and trending” analysis to help understand previous training and determine when I’m done with a training block. As mentioned above for the basics I believe TrainerRoad is visually better and I prefer it on both mobile and desktop. That said, both TR and Intervals are missing things I’d like to have and that is where WKO5 steps in.