Training plan advice - what makes more sense?


I am contemplating my options for the months forward.

Some context:

Early 30s, desk job, 2yo kid and another on the way. Close to 1000 TrainerRoad rides in the last 3 years. Been through everything from low volume to high volume. The last 1,5 years were terrible. Been sick a lot and motivation at times was an issue. Ended up training 250 hours in 2022. My target for 2023 is to train continuously for a total of 350 hours. Ideally grow FTP towards 300 (currently 270 @70kg). No events.

What would you do?

I figured I would schedule the 30 minute time-crunched plan and add as much volume as possible. Does this make sense? Alternatively the low volume plans and add again? Or ditch plans and simply use TrainNow?

Thanks for your opinions.

Cheers, Tom


FWIW I’ve got a 2.5 wk old baby at home and time crunched 30 has been great. I find myself looking forward to the workouts and I know that I won’t have to disappear for as long as I did with LV. It would be really easy to build in Z2 volume around it too.

Related to volumes and amount of intensity you were doing?

Go deeper than “what training plan/approach should I use” and think seriously about why you train. The only goals you’ve mentioned are related to training as end in itself, rather than training for something. It doesn’t have to be an event/race/etc, but having an end in mind will not only help keep you motivated when times are tough, it will help answer your original question of what kind of approach to take.