Training in a smokers house

Hi, I’m currently training in a house where there is a lot of heavy smoking. I have no choice but to, currently, if I want to train indoors. Sometimes I am inhaling tobacco smoke whilst on the trainer. I want to understand how this is affecting my training so I can properly benchmark my progress and asses the risk. If anyone knows of any relevant studies can you please signpost me?

I don’t have any studies but the risks of second hand smoke are pretty well documented and studied. I’m sure if you searched on google scholar you find some stuff. Also, I would imagine that working out with the smoke makes it worse due to deeper breathing and increased breathing rate.

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Man, that really sucks. I would move out, if possible, or find somewhere else to train. Good luck.

Why does their need to smoke override your right to live, let alone train, in a healthy environment?


Because the OP might be living in someone else house…


Here’s a few links. After reading, you’ll probably want to move out!


If I were you, and you can’t move elsewhere, I’d put the trainer outside. A study was done many years ago comparing cycle commuters and driving commuters in Washington D.C. They looked at over all lung function. Turns out the cyclists benefited from the exercise even in the polluted environment, and had better lung function than the auto commuters. Even so, I’d move the trainer outside. Even if it’s snowing, you’re better off.


Short of being outside, I’d try to position as close as possible to an outside window that opens, so you can potentially pull in fresh air.

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Putting the trainer outdoors when possible as suggested above would be your best bet - or at least a fan placed at a window to pull in outdoor air could help.
You have my sympathy - I grew up in a house where both parents were heavy smokers. My mom used to c9me in my room to get me up for school with a smoke in her mouth looking like Keith Richards.


Thank you for this. It’s the final push I needed to move out. I’ll be gone within the next 2-3 months.