Please consider making non race oriented general fitness building plan

Please consider making non race oriented general fitness building plan. Wahoo Systm already has such a plan (although I couldn’t look into it too much because I don’t have a subscription)


What will be the difference between the current plans and a non-race plan?

Obviously there will not be any races in your calendar, but that is already optional. I personally do not race, but choose a plan that fits to my goal (e.g. sustaining high power for long rides).

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I think part of the purpose of TrainNow is general fitness rather than racing.

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To make it clear for us which plan to choose and maybe with a different approach to taper or even a different base/build cycle

Just do base 1, base 2, general build. Repeat.


Have you looked at the “Enthusiast” plans? They’re under the Specialty plans which is maybe not where you might expect to find them. They’re targeted at exactly what you describe though - people who just want to maintain fitness year round.

I do think even if not racing a lot of people still like the idea of periodisation and working on different parts of the power curve at different times of the year. So don’t think the Base/Build plans in particular only apply to racers. If you’re not racing then maybe just don’t bother with specifialty and tapering.

Yes I have looked at them, they seem focused on vo2max/anaerobic but not so much on increasing FTP or extending TTE

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Use sustained power build and don’t update your ftp the whole build block. That will “build your levels” which in turn help with TTE.
In fact if you don’t update your ftp and only build your levels that might work too.
I do a similar strategy; I’ll go through base plans with the same ftp and go through 1 build block, that gets my levels pretty high. Then before the last build block I’ll update my ftp and keep that through specialty.

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