Over Under Question [Bail Outs]

Sorry if this has been covered but I just couldn’t get through my last over/under workout. I reduced the intensity to try to finish the last couple of work sets but then my “overs” were just at threshold, not over. I did a tough workout the day before and was tired generally. Is it better to bail on a workout or reduce intensity and keep trying? Thanks.

For starters, you can see what they cover in the related TR articles:

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Reduce intensity. Consistency is the key. Stay in and get the workout done!

I used to struggle a lot with over/unders; long durations, uncomfortable power levels. I think mental strength plays a big role in these kind of workouts. I was able to convince myself to commit a 3-4 mins VO2 max because it is only for limited time, but riding 15 mins when all the cells in your body asking you to stop is not easy. I am not still perfect on these but much better compared to last year, I know that if it is always comfortable there is no progress so it is good to hurt time to time.

reading suggestion: Endure

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Flippant answer: don’t do a tiring workout the day before over/unders

Less flippant answer: don’t do a tiring workout the day before over/unders

You’ve gotta give yourself the best possible chance to hit the things you find difficult when you’re least fatigued.

Maybe see if you can shuffle things around a bit before dialling down the intensity on the fly. That way you keep your amount of work where it’s intended to be, and maintain the quality.


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Had this myself, I had to accept my AI FTP was inflated probably by ~10w, that and I probably have some deep rooted fatigue I need to shift. Couldn’t finish the 3/4th sets of 12min OU’s. I agree dialling it down is better than bailing, and being honest about your actual threshold so these are over/under not over/at.

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As above have a rest, recovery or easy day before your hard workouts as best suits.

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