Would someone else try this please and see if it is just me, or something significant.
I am using windows 10 with chrome
When I choose a week with workouts in it and use the move week function, the move results in the week being moved being pasted into the week before the week I select on the calendar
e.g. if I try to move my current planned week 43 to week 47, it ends up in week 46
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Hey @ivegotabike
Let me look into this and get back to you.
Heard from the team, and this is a bug we’re working on fixing!
The workaround for now is to just copy/move one week in advance of the week you actually want to copy/move too.
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The only time it is slightly more than an inconvenience is when you try to move the week to the first empty week on the planner. In that case, it pastes onto the previous populated week and you end up with another workout on a day you already had something planned for. That takes a bit longer to undo than when the paste lands in an empty week.
When you say empty week, do you mean the first week after the plan ends?
I don’t run a plan, so I can’t comment on that.
Here is how it happens for me. If I have workouts planned in weeks 43, 44, 45 and have 46 empty, if I move week 43 to week 46, it adds the workouts from week 43 to those already planned in week 45 and 46 stays empty.
Have you tried to move them one week in advance as I mentioned on my post above to see if it adds them to week 46?
Example, more week 43 to week 47 and see if they appear on week 46.
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I raised this very issue with support over a week ago and its still not fixed. Copying a week also throws up the same bug.
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Yes, that does as you describe CGV. (43 to 47 populates into 46)