Make SIS BETA fuel yourself just a few pence per bottle

That’s a lot of sodium. 2000mg per hour is likely to cause GI distress for a lot of folks, especially from table salt.

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Minimally useful at best. Likely not useful, all told.

How much salt (or sodium citrate) would you suggest per hour?

And what about sodium ascorbate?

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Kind of a crummy answer here: It depends.

400-1800mg per liter encompasses the range I’ve ever recommended for anyone.

I generally land between 700-1200mg per liter for most folks.

FYI: Sodium Citrate has about 1000mg sodium per tsp. Table salt is about 2000mg sodium per tsp.

Sodium Ascorbate vs. NaCl vs. SodiumCitrate
I wouldn’t use sodium ascorbate because it’s just 1 molecule of sodium per 2 molecule into the gut. 1 sodium ion and 1 ascorbate ion. Similar to salt: 1 Na + 1 Cl. Sodium citrate is advantageous largely because it’s 3 sodium ions for every 4 total molecules (ions). 3 sodium, 1 citrate.


I’ve been experimenting with Jesse’s simple solution.

1x mega carb bottle.
3hr ride.
1 x 300g sugar bottle with hydration tab for flavoring.
1x plain water with hydration tab. Refill at stop.

So far seems about identical to my usual 2 Beta Fuel bottles + gels.
It’s also about a billion times cheaper :grin:

Simply put 400 or 500g in mega bottle for 4h/5h rides. So easy.


Did the turbo (mega) bottle thing yesterday on a long ride. Haven’t seen this guy before - he even uses the same home brand sugar from Coles that I use!

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Do you guys have “smelly farts” after the ride when drinking maltodextrin/fructose energy drinks? 50g per bottle/hour 2:1, only malto and fructose.
(asking for a friend)

Listening to Alex’s fuelling plan last week he mentioned only needing two beta fuel gels for 100g per hour, am I being thicck here, from what I can see beta fuel only gives 40g per gel?

Plus scratch = 100g


After looking at the video I wonder why SIS does not have any electrolytes? Does anyone have any insight in this?

Realy? No one?

Currently on table sugar mix with no side effects.

I have just received two big bags of maltodextrine and fructose … Will report back soon, unless poisoned by methane.

Although, isn’t one of the known side effects of taking on more carbs than you can digest excess gas? I thought it usually manifested as more burping though.

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I’ll admit to nothing but must agree with @timb34 that stomach issues are a sign of too much too soon. Too much depends on your circumstances. For me, it might have been (won’t admit!) 10 grams of fructose at the beginning but I tolerate more than 100 g of table sugar per bottle now. Why table sugar? I was abroad and it is simply the most convenient way. And it works too. It is not the best solution (!) but except perhaps the hottest days it works good enough.

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Yes but it’s a tell tale sign of overdosing and your gut struggling to handle that much that quickly.
Try reducing your mix by 10g overall for a week and see if stinky farts continue.
If you’re OK dealing with them know that this is likely the cause and just be good.


I almost headed out on a 50 mile MTB race without realizing the electrolytes were removed from the new version. I contacted SIS directly and received no response.

That being said, my guess is they are leaving the electrolytes out to account for the individual sweat rate difference. I sweat an average amount and never have any salt rings on my kit after. Thus I don’t need 800-1200 mg per hour like some others.

I finally played around with this and ended up with:
75g sugar
10g clear gel instant
3g sodium citrate
a few sprinkles of pumpkin spice…spice?

Set up quite nicely, slightly thick for my liking in a flask. I think I’ll do maybe 7 or 8g clear gel next time.

Also, the flavor was amazing if you like pumpkin spice. Kinda shocked at how well that worked.

Does anyone has problems with fructose? I can tolerate a lot of maltodextrine but even 10-20g of fructose per hour make me bloated…

As I already mentioned somewhere, I had certainly problems at the beginning. Even 5-10 grams of fructose was too much. Taste was awfully sweet and I had gut issues afterwards. Sticking with it and upping the dose over longer period I can tolerate much more now. I had a 60 g maltodextrin and 60 g fructose bottle today without any problem.



I am looking to buy some maltodextrin and fructose to make my own mix.

Did you find a BSCG Certified Drug Free supplier or brand available in Canada?

I found a few websites but none seems to be certified.

Any suggestions?


I know you asked someone else but we’re talking about baking supplies for the most part. Someone selling sugar to the bakery up the corner from your house isn’t looking to spike it with HGH so people see extra gains from cupcakes.

There are supplement brands that do sell them, current bag of fructose is from one, but the best value comes from finding it from baking, brewing etc type suppliers etc.

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