Make SIS BETA fuel yourself just a few pence per bottle

It wasn’t the coke-it was the bottle decomposing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Bottled Gatorade must be somewhere between 2:1 and 1:1 glucose:fructose because there is at least as much sucrose as dextrose. Sucrose = 1:1 gluc:fruc.

Powdered Gatorade appears to be the same.

Gatorade Endurance:

Gatorade endurance appears to move the dial slightly towards a 1:1 ratio, but there is no way of knowing how much.

So, in direct answer to your concern: yes, powdered Gatordade’s carbohydrate content is at least 33% fructose. It is likely to be around 33% fructose, if I had to guess.

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Do you know if it is correct to mix Pure Maltodextrin + pure fructose in a 1:1 to 2:1 ratios with plain water, and add Performance Hydration electrolytes? or it is better to have a mix of sucrose+Malto+fructose to get the desired ratio (1:1 to 2:1)?


Nope, not better. Just cheaper. Same effect.

Definitely add sodium. I use Sodium Citrate

FYI: Sodium citrate has about 1000mg sodium per tsp. Table salt is about 2000mg sodium per tsp.


Thanks Alex

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Alex, I’m sure you’ve posted many times but having trouble finding how much sodium citrate I should add to a 2:1 Gatorade Powder/Malto mix for a good starting point? I ordered the stuff you linked.

500-1500mg sodium per liter is a good range to play with. I wouldn’t start higher than 1000mg/L until you know how your gut tolerates.

FYI: Sodium citrate has about 1000mg sodium per tsp. Table salt is about 2000mg sodium per tsp.


Thanks guys!

So what’s a good way to measure that lol?

Look at @Dr_Alex_Harrison’s post about 5 above

The Gatorade containers we buy have a scoop size that is 63 grams carbs per scoop. I just assume ~60 for ease of math and use just the scoop, rather than a scale. I do a lot of eyeballing and calling it good :slight_smile:

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I just use a teaspoon and give it a shake after scooping to make sure it’s pretty level at the top. TBH, if I get 900mg per hour or 1200mg per hour, it’s not going to make much difference 99% of the time. At least not enough benefit to accuracy to outweigh the time-cost of using and storing a food scale in my motorhome (full-time RV life).


Just in case you missed it

So, if you need an extra 600mg on top of the Gatorade, it’s a little more than 1/2 a teaspoon of Sodium Citrate or 1 teaspoon of Table Salt. He’s not saying to measure the milligrams, he’s saying “just use a teaspoon”.

Sorry I was referring to measuring Sodium Citrate. Thanks again guys!

Does anyone know how to replicate the skratch superfuelmix?

I have custer dextrin to use, but it seems they are using clusterdextrine and fructose.
Are they using the same 2:1 ratio to get to the 400 calories in a serving?
ie. 60g cluster + 40g fructose

Currently I mainly do maltodextrin and fructose, wondering what the benefits might be for switching to clusterdextrin? The cost is almost double between the two.

Weight savings in your wallet - helps on steep climbs :slight_smile:
I guess I’m skeptical of the benefits - as I understand them, the point is that this breaks down to glucose slower in the small intestine, keeping the osmolality lower in the gut. I think when you are selling very expensive sugar water (and your COGS is likely relatively small), stuff like this becomes attractive to differentiate your products. Even if the basic claims are true (ie slower breakdown in the gut), is the difference in speed enough to expect there to be a meaningful performance difference, and is that performance difference actually measurable in practice.
At the suggestion of @Dr_Alex_Harrison I have tried just straight sucrose (really gatorade powder + sucrose) at about 10% concentration (ie 100 grams sugar/1000ml) and other than being sickly sweet that worked for me without gut distress on a long ride. Tolerance will obviously vary between people, but this has me experimenting with the cheap sugar options to see what my limit with those is before I make more complicated/expensive mixes.


If you want cheap then do what i am currently doing which is bulk malto and bulk sucrose purchases.
When you buy then 25lbs at a time its next to nothing per bottle.


This is the correct answer.

No benefit to cluster dextrin or highly branched cluster dextrin (HBCD) over maltodextrin.

Laughably, most cluster dextrin retailers are marketing supps with no source of fructose, making their $60/tub supplement worse than just eating sugar for intra-workout fueling.



Physiology is already murky & messy even within individual, let alone between individuals. My mechanical engineer bro-in-law always loses his mind when we talk about biomechanics and I use angle and torque ranges that are obscenely broad from an engineering perspective. Humans are messy. Psychology and decision-making habits make them even messier.

Zero disrespect intended by the following… just attempting to provide potentially humorous (to me, anyway!) context of what happens in the sport dietetics field:

Undergrad degree in nutrition: “weigh and measure everything.” (OCD about accuracy)
PhD’s: “it’s close enough”


My wife would be upset seeing 50 lbs of sugar come into the house all at once :slight_smile: 10 lb bags from the grocery store are good enough cost wise. I already get some grief from my family when they see me mixing the 10-15% sugar solutions… It really is a disgusting amount of sugar.

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