๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Introducing AI FTP Detection ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

This is exactly what weโ€™re doing with PLs. But instead of just a power duration curve, weโ€™re taking into account repeatability, muscular endurance, and other things.

I think the confusion point might be that workouts are made in percent of FTP, so you think that means weโ€™re prescribing based on that.

But you can do it with pure wattage too. If we think your threshold/vo2 max ratio is lower, we might prescribe you at 117% VO2 intervals.

FTP - 300
117% VO2 - 351

Where someone else might be a ratio of 120%.

FTP - 300
120% VO2 - 360

You could say โ€œThis doesnโ€™t work because itโ€™s a percentageโ€, but the outcome is pure wattage.

You donโ€™t want to do this with just a power curve because it doesnโ€™t take repeatability into context, which is its own thing that has to be considered. We thought about just using a power curve years ago but realized it would lead to a lot of bad outcomes.

So PLs take into account all of that (you can think of it in terms of pure wattage + repeatability + muscular endurance) to get the correct workouts for you.

I think your point would be valid if we took FTP then just pushed people into 3x5min at 120% FTP. That would mean there was a static relationship and we werenโ€™t pushing people through progressions.

If that were the case, doing a power curve duration would be a logical next step. But with PLs weโ€™ve leapfrogged that and have a better solution that takes more things into consideration.